My beautiful little niece was born on the second of May! She is adorable and i'm very proud that i could choose her name: ELEKTRA!
More photos from Barcelona here |
Me and my boyfriend are packing again our bags! This time: Barcelona! Amazing city, reminds my of home! Funny!
A very special month for me! After i followed for a very long time many fashion blogs and after i "blogged" for over a year on
Facebook i decided to make the final step and to start a real blog! I had to learn many things, to invest a lot of time, not to give up if it doesn't always work, but i don't regret my decision! This is exactly what i want to do and even when i'm at the beginning of my journey, i hope to get better and to reach my dreams! And on this place: A very special thank to all of you who follow me and give me support! Without you would't this be possible!
More photos from Amsterdam here |
We made a long weekend trip to Amsterdam. I'm living in north Germany, so we made a car trip. I have never been before in Amsterdam and the funny thing was that we hit the Gay Parade Weekend! That was so crazy, there were thousend of people on the streets! It was great!
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